Dkey is disambiguation software for computers. It allows entering of text using the numeric key pad in a fashion similar to SMS texting with a mobile phone

Dkey allows entering of text using the numeric key pad in a fashion similar to SMS texting with a phone. This is known as disambiguation. DKey speaks the letters and suggested words as text is entered. When text is accepted it can be pasted into the window with focus as if it had been entered directly with the keyboard. It is also possible to keep the text in the DKey window, in which case it may also be printed. Settings are accessed using the mouse pointer.

Speech is provided using the current Windows Speech voice. XP and Vista each come with a sample voice already installed and others can be obtained (look for SAPI 5 voices).

Dkey has been tested on Windows XP and Vista and required numeric keypad as provided on desktop keyboards (laptops can be a problem) or On Screen Keyboard programs like Grid 2.

License: GPL
Authors: Steve Lee