Awesome Assitivetech A curated list of 😎 awesome Assistive Technology frameworks and tools to help you develop your AT tool/system. note: this is for tools rather than end products. For those see OpenAssistive Awesome Assistive-Tech AAC (Alternative & Augmentative Communication Symbols Word/Letter Prediction Speech Recognition Speech Synthesis Head/Face tracking EyeGaze Switch Scanning Reading material Scanning on the web Support Hackathons Email Lists AT Engineering Organisations Contributing AAC Tools to help you make a better Augmentative & Alternative Communication system Continue reading
So you have a new website. So whats the big deal? Well in short, not a lot. But behind the scenes its costing us near to nothing to run and maintain and should be indestructible (I hold my breath on that line.. but we think so!) Before we delve into the technical details lets have a look at what we are trying to achieve. Sometime in the past (12 years ago! Continue reading
We really want YOUR help in developing the resources and structure of this site. If you want to contribute to the site development you will find two repositories on GitHub OpenATFrontEnd - The code that builds the frontend. This relies on Hugo and a custom theme (which can be found here). OpenATBackend - The API code that is called when people Add new projects. Its all written in NodeJS. We welcome Pull Requests. Continue reading
How to add a new item (from Thingiverse, instructables etc) What licence do you choose for your project? Who made this? [What’s the aim of OpenAssistive](( How is the site made? Want to help and contribute to the development? Contact Us Chat on openassistive Slack Group Continue reading
“So you’ve worked hard into the night on your solution and keen to share it with the masses. Remember the reason why we ask you to do this is two fold: To help others who either don’t have the design, coding whatever skills that you have put in - whether they are a developing country or in a large private healthcare organisation you are aiding others by reducing the time to get an assistive technology solution to people who need it Continue reading
OpenAssistive is a collective of indviduals from AT Makers, Hackers, Private enterprising indviduals, Government funded organisations - all who are trying to break down the barriers of disability by providing open solutions for Assistive Technology. We aim to: Collaborate on discussion about the best way of collaborating! We know OpenAT isnt everything we want it to be. We can collectively make it better Share expertise, Good practice, share what works, share how to do this. Continue reading