Windows app which allows efficient work on a computer by speech alone.
Work by Speech Features:
- Efficient work on a computer by speech alone
- Quiet speaking support
- Application switching and opening by speech
- Built-in voice commands for the most common actions
- Custom voice commands management
- Smart macro recording
- Separate dictation mode
- Fast and repeatable mouse control by speech with support for all mouse actions
- Customizable and movable mousegrid which divides the screen into up to 2550 figures
- Automatic mousegrid optimization for every used application
- Very low processor and memory usage
- Works with any microphone under Windows 10 and 11
- Available for the English language only
Who is it for?
- People with some permanent disabilities (e.g. someone paralyzed in both hands).
- People with some temporary disabilities (e.g. a person who broke both hands in an accident).
- Those who would like to decrease the chance of developing repetitive stress injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome (eg. by working one day a week by speech or by performing some tasks by speech).
- Users who want to increase their productivity by using voice commands like switch to Chrome, open Photoshop, close that, show desktop, paste x times, undo/redo x times, scroll left/right x times, custom voice commands and macro recording.
- Anyone who just wants to control a computer by speech.
This program can recognize your speech with high accuracy only if you complete at least two voice trainings. One voice training takes about 7 minutes. You can find more information about voice training in point 4 of the user guide, which is located in the help section.
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